
One of the joys of finding TerraLuna was I engaged with other sims enthusiasts.  And one of them reminded me of an integral part of The Sims, the music.  So as I reinstalled all my sims expansions from scratch, I went and found all the music including the unique loading loops for each expansion.

Through a lot of comparisons on varying sites and the commercial releases, I was able to name and find artists for almost every track.  After organizing them into albums, none of them had a cover to go with.  And as I have dabbled in cover creating, I decided to do so for each one.  It was a lot of fun and here they are for you to enjoy.

A few provisos first.  I used the original The Sims logo across each album because there was no high quality version of the expansion logos that I could find.  I did match the logo colors for each game.  You might recognize some colors and themes.  It was a blast creating these.  And here they are for your viewing/downloading pleasure:

The Sims (Base Game):

The Sims: Livin' Large:

The Sims: House Party

The Sims: Hot Date

The Sims: Vacation

The Sims: Unleashed

The Sims: Superstar

The Sims: Makin' Magic

I'm very grateful for SML Designs for creating SIMLLHP font.

Note: For some reason linked images look blurry on blogger.  When you click on the image, it will be much more clear.